Wooden Tray
I stopped by Goodwill a few days ago and came back with a few functional baskets for the house and this cute little wooden tray. I thought it'd be perfect for rounding up all the loose items I have scattered on my desk all the time (my must-have-on-hand items: calculator, little black notebooks, pencil, black pen, ruler, X-acto knife...and the cork from the champagne from our 1st anniversary - just 'cause!). I also spiffed up my recycled tin can with some fun Amy Butler fabric I had in my fabric stash.
I love that it gives me a space to put all the things I need, yet keeps everything looking nice and neat. Just the way I like.Every time I look at my desk now, it makes me want to be productive. Best $.50 I ever spent!
Cute! I love function meets design! Super cute! I could use some productivity inspiration.