Tuesday, March 27, 2012

DIY Confetti System Garland

I've seen these confetti system garlands popping up everywhere, but at $130 each, they're a bit out of my price range (and I'm not even sure if they ship to Grenada!). I decided to try my hand at making them for Dean and Jade's party using what was available to me here on the island. You'll only need two things - streamers and scissors. Oh, and maybe some hot glue that you don't see here...

hot glue

Step 1: Grab a length of streamer twice the length of your final tassel. Continue doing this, overlapping until you have a stack about 6 layers thick. 

Step 2: Cut the ends so that you end up with six separate pieces. Keep them stacked. 

Step 3: Fold all six pieces in half lengthwise. 

Step 4: Starting at the open end (not the folded end), cut thin strips all the way across.

Step 5: Open up the layers and roll them up in the middle. Twist the middle tightly. 

Step 6: Fold the twist in half to create a loop and continue twisting. Put a dab of hot glue in the twists to hold in place.

Step 7: Pull apart the fringes and fluff up your tassels. Make a bunch, loop them onto string, and hang.

(Don't they look like jellyfish here?)

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