Wednesday, November 18, 2009

King Richard's Antique Center

Last week, Dean and I visited the oldest and largest antique mall in Southern California - King Richard's Antique Center. This place was huge! We found out later that it actually used to be a citrus packing warehouse. Inside, we found lots of vintage/antique items, but what really caught my eye was all the vintage Pyrex!

I love the colors and patterns that Pyrex dishes used to have. It's a pity they don't make them like that anymore.

I had my eye on this one, but Dean pried me away from it, so I didn't end up getting it.

HOWEVER, I stopped in at Goodwill the next day, and guess what I found? The exact same set of Pyrex at less than half the price they were selling it for at King Richard's!

I love how they nest inside each other perfectly and the alternating colors.

Lucky me. :)

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