Tuesday, October 27, 2009

If you can't beat them, join them

Today commences the first day of basketball season, to the loathing and chagrin of many housewives across the US. In years past, I could not understand why and how somebody (DEAN) could spend hours not only watching and playing basketball (which is not so bad), but reading about it, talking (debating/arguing) about it, managing his numerous fantasy basketball teams (for goodness sake, it's not even real!!), deliberating over offers and trades from other members of his fantasy basketball leagues, even hypothesizing aimlessly about non-consequential things like what if so-and-so joined such-and-such team!? What then!?!?!? The basketball dialogue never ends in the Thongkham household.

So, I've decided that in order to be a true Thongkham, I inevitably, must give in to the force. There is no use in trying to persuade them to watch other things (figure skating, anybody?) or talk about other things or think about other things when basketball season is upon us. So rather than being excluded from the conversation, I've decided to give it a shot!

My wedding gift to Dean - matching Nash jerseys!
My wedding gift to Dean - matching Nash jerseys!

Here's a screen shot of my fantasy team this season. Dean helped me draft...my only request was that I wanted Steve Nash. :)

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