It's been one crazy summer. I graduated again from ASU. Dean graduated from Harvard. We got married in Cambridge. We drove up and down the west coast. I got a new Macbook Pro (yes, it was life-changing and on par with the rest of these events.) And then we moved to California.
At first, we thought Dean would be going to school again. We moved out here with the intention of Dean starting a Masters in Public Health program, but a couple of days before school started, we felt uneasy and not quite at peace with the decision. He decided to pursue a couple lab jobs, and in the end, felt called to pursue lab work instead.
As of this week, Dean's officially started doing lab research at the University of California - Irvine. He'll be training for the next few months on how to handle mice in the laboratory! I'll have to make sure he washes his hands thoroughly before he touches anything at home. :\
As for me, I've been trying to look for a teaching job. Unfortunately, without a California teaching credential and with recent budget cuts, it's been pretty difficult. But God is gracious, and I started this week at an after-school company doing some part-time tutoring for the time being.
It sounds like we're starting to settle in, but it'll be a while before living in Cali becomes second-nature. There are moments when we get homesick and wish briefly that we could be home in Arizona. But when those moments pass, we realize that there is no where we'd rather be than here, together, ready to start a new adventure.
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