Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hello, world!

After a blissful wedding day, a short but relaxing mini-moon in Boston, and an enjoyable vacation in NYC and DC with family, we are finally back in Arizona. Just as we are getting ready to leave AZ soon, it is starting to feel more like home sweet home. :)

With a year and a half in the making, our wedding day was a day that we had long dreamed about, planned for, and waited for in eager anticipation. When the day finally came, we were more than ready to hit the cruise control, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride! Filled with love, laughter, tender moments, and unplanned surprises, our wedding day turned out better than anything we could have planned for or imagined. Here are some of our favorite moments from the day:

Seeing each other for the first time (c) Shang Chen Photography
Seeing each other for the first time (c) Shang Chen Photography
Seeing each other for the first time    (c) Shang Chen Photography
Seeing each other for the first time (c) Shang Chen Photography
Mr. and Mrs. Thongkham!
Mr. and Mrs. Thongkham!
Walking through the streets of Harvard Square
Walking through the streets of Harvard Square
Cutest little girls at the photobooth during cocktail hour!
Cutest little girls at the photobooth during cocktail hour! - photo by Dan
Laughing and having a great time during the reception
Laughing and having a great time during the reception

To all those who made it out to Boston to celebrate our wedding day with us, we were overjoyed to see each and every one of you there! To those who were unable to make it, thank you for sending your love, your thoughts and prayers, and your many well-wishes! We could truly feel the warmth of our family and friends, and the presence of God surrounding us on our special day. Thanks for being a part of it. :)

I hope in the next few weeks that follow, I will be able to give you a more in-depth look into our wedding day and our wedding planning process. I didn't have a chance to blog about all the DIY (Do-It-Yourself) projects that I had wanted to show you before the wedding, so I hope to catch you up with many posts to come! Also, I'd like to recap in more detail some of our favorite moments throughout the wedding day. So stay tuned for more stories and pictures from our wedding!

photo taken by Strut Photography

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